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2013 A Day Campaign is a Success

2013 A Day Campaign is a Success by Sheryl Marlar

A Day 2013 has come and gone, but not before successfully raising much needed funds for scholarships at the University of West Georgia. The annual fund drive kicked off on August 15 at the home of Drs. Kyle and Jane Marrero. Throughout the months of September and October, several other events celebrating the annual fund were held.

The actual date for A Day, October 17, started off with the annual tradition of breakfast for the volunteers. Afterward, the volunteers fanned out into the community armed with red and blue balloons to solicit donations from local businesses. The day ended with the traditional Victory Celebration held on the third floor suite area at University Stadium.

During the celebration, it was announced that a total of $340,800 had been raised, bringing the total amount given to $2.45 million for the year. The faculty and staff on campus are also to be commended for reaching an all-time high in participation.


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